Hello there :) I can't believe school's starting tomorrow. I guess it's true when people say time flies when you're having fun. Not that i have been having fun, but going to school? Phhfftt. I've been sleeping extremely late this past 2 weeks and i think i have to force my eyelids to shut early tonight -_- And i've been waking up late too so i just don't see myself waking up early tomorrow. Like seriously. How the hell am i supposed to drag my ass up at 6 in the morning? Damn. Oh my goddd, baru ingat. Tomorrow we're having Diagnostic Test! How f*cked up is that. Haven't studied a thing (as usual lah en *wink*) I also hope this second term of school is going to be better, insya Allah
I don't know why i even bother updating this crappy blog. No one's reading it pun kan. Sheesh nashuha, get a life! Oh btw since school is reopening, my mum's not allowing me to use the computer during school days. Which means i can only update during weekends. (bak kata syira, buat gaya macam ada orang baca) And by tonight, mama's RE-confiscating my phone. So yeahhh.
P/S: abaaaannnggg, i miss you so so so so much! :(
loves, nashuha
Sunday, June 14, 2009
ten. Fast and Furious
Posted by Bloody Drama Queens at 7:33 AM 1 comments
Friday, June 12, 2009
nine. As Promised
Here are the pictures from qis's surprise party. As promised

if only i could go back to this day again.
loves, nashuha
Posted by Bloody Drama Queens at 12:45 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
eight. Over and Over
Hey creatures :D I had loads of fun today. As you all know, today is Qistina's birthday, and we (as in syira, rina and i) planned a surprise party for her. The plan was to get qis to come to rina's house. And rina settled that with qis's mummy.
So i woke up bright and early today, 830, and went to rina's house around 930. Syira came right after. We got everything ready for the party. We only invited qis's really close friends. These are the people who were there:-
- Adeeb
- Dany
- Shahid
- Zahid
- Sufy
- Aiman
- Hasni
- and of course the three of us
When it was time (this time for real) we got ready to surprise her. As soon as rina opened the door, we yelled "surprise!" and dany 'exploded' confetti's. The look on her face was simply priceless :) It's just something you don't see everyday. She cried and was all like thanks you guys. OH! and the cupcakes! You really should see the cupcakes, it's soooo scrumptious and adorable.
Later on, we went to the playground in front of rina's place. We threw flour all over her. Well basically, we were all covered in flour after that. Hahaha. Done cleaning ourselves up, we played some more WII and watched tv and talked and just lepak-ed. Around 430, qis adeeb and i wanted to go to klcc. The rest of them, well err let's just say we parted our own ways. Hanged out at KLCC till around 730 and got home at 8. I must say, this was the most fun i had in the 2 weeks holiday.
**I'll post up pictures as soon as i get my hands on them**
Loves, nashuha
Posted by Bloody Drama Queens at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 8, 2009
seven. Insightful
Hello earthlings :) Sorry for not updating for quite some time. Went to syira's place yesterday, marathon-ed supernatural sampai season 3 i think. And now my ass still hurts for being a couch potato the whole day yesterday. Syira has a new haircut! Sumpah cina. Hahaha. Besides yesterday, i had no other things to do! I just hate to blog about how lifeless i am. The holiday's are almost over and i haven't touched my homework. Not one bit. I have 2 folio's and 4 work sheets. God.
Loves, nashuha
Posted by Bloody Drama Queens at 9:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
five. For fun
Heyya guys. Guess who's back? I see that Nashuha's been doing a lot of posting. Sorry for the delay (buat gaya macam ada orang baca).
So yes, it's Friday already. It's been a week since the holidays started. Barely had time to have fun. I haven't seen Nashuha since Tuesday. It's friggin weird if you ask me. Do you know what else is weird? I HAVE NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT. Usually I'm this little B***ch who doesn't know how to shut up. Hahah :)
Sorry guys, next time awaits..
Much love, Syira.
Posted by Bloody Drama Queens at 12:32 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
four. Jealousy much
Woke up at 11.45 cause mama called. Apparently i had a 'date' with her. It was a mother-daughter bonding time. It was fun, got to go shopping (the best part of going out with your mum :D) Mama had to go back to work, so i told her that i wanted to meet up with edreen since he's there somewhere too. Surprisingly, she was fine with it. So i met up with edreen and shahriel and they were in freaking school uniforms! You cannot imagine how embarrassed i was, but what the heck. We walked to pavi and they had their lunch at Carl's Junior. Faaidz and Dd joined later. I wanted to watch 17 again so badly, but semua taknak. Damn. We decided to watch monsters vs aliens at 4.
Edreen and i did something reeaaallllyyyy stupid. We wanted to watch the movie 3d version but everyone else taknak. We went into the movie and after 5 minutes of the movie we went out and bought the 3d version tickets. I know it was a waste of money, but hell yeah it was worth it :DD After the movie ended, we had dinner with mama and my annoying brother and sister. Edreen had to go back ALONE because all the other dudes tinggalkan dia. Pity him. Watched Hannah Montana the movie with mama and all. It was okay. Mama cried! What the hell, hahaha. That was what i did the whole day and now i'm here updating this crappy blog.
Yesterday, farhat called and said that his phone got confiscated by his parents. His brother, Fid, did something bad and sadly, he also had to pay for the consequences. Haih. And today, we only texted for like 10 minutes. He can't even call because his dad hid the house phone. I miss you sayang.
Loves, nashuha
Posted by Bloody Drama Queens at 7:58 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
three. Heads up
Yesterday didn't go as planned. I was supposed to NOT go to tuition (if you know what i mean *wink*) but farhat's mom went late for work. So we cancelled the plan and unfortunately i had to face 2 and a half hours of class! Thank god Syira and Rina were there making everything more joyous :D
Noticed how devastated i was for not seeing Farhat as planned, he told me to sneak out and go meet him at McDonald Setiawangsa. It was 2.30 in the morning and i was bored. So i did. Hahaha. Was there till around 5.30. It was so much fun. I love you, baby :)
This may sound random but i miss Adib Fiqri a lot!
Posted by Bloody Drama Queens at 1:40 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
two. Shake Em Off
Introductions are not necessary here. Nashuha did them for you, am I right? But anyway, she somehow failed to tell you guys that we're the best of friends, and this blog is OURS. It's not hers or mine. Anyway, holidays right. How is it getting along? As you can see, it's not going to good for us here since we just had to do a blog as living proof. *sigh. Usually when we're in school, drama's all we talk about. It's us, actually. No drama, then definitely not Syira and Nashuha.
So yeah, basically, we've fallen down from chairs together, got scolded by teachers for not being in class or not passing up our assignments on time, those sorta things. AND WE DON'T CARE. That's because we're the sorta friends that have each others backs no matter what. We don't judge each other, and we listen. Unlike you mofos out there, heh ;)
I really don't know what to talk about here. This blog looks so fucking plain. I even feel sorry for anyone who actually has to read this. After all, blogging is really not what I do :S I swear to god if i had one more day of this bored solitary life, I just might loose it.
Life isn't at it's best for now, having to go thru the same routine everyday is not how I'm going to picture my life in the distant future. Nashuha and I, we have fucking amazing dreams of what to do in the future. We're going to be so well off and grounded, you just might see us in the papers. * GRINNING :D Our hard work is going to pay off one day. So yes, I am very much set on chasing those dreams.
Life is very complexed. It's something that's not meant to be easy.
People on the other hand, are just sick. We adapt and change to everything we see.
Anyway, I have come to a point where I'm set free, I feel very liberated, and nothing has ever felt so good.
Much love, Syira.
Posted by Bloody Drama Queens at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 1, 2009
one. Pilot
Let's start with this. Syira's psyched that in 10 minutes she'll be celebrating her 1 month anniversary with her boyfriend, Shahid Shukri. She's being extremely hyper right now, and apparently i have to deal with it. Whatever it is, i'm so happy for her. Have an ever-lasting relationship with him, baby. And shahid, you better take care of her, or i'll kick your ass. Hihihi.
Syira and i, we've known each other since we were 9 years old. We lost contact for awhile, but fate brought us back together again. Hahaha. It has been 6 years, and hell yeah we're still going as strong as ever. Continuing about us. Syira and I, well we have a lot in common. Trust me, a lot. We know everything about each other. We even finish each others sentences. How cool is that, dude? I love her to death and i'm pretty sure she knows that. We go to the same school, the same class, we sit beside each other in class and on top of all that, we even go to the same tuition classes. We see each other too much, seriously. But i don't mind :D
Anyway, i have to doze off early today cause i have extra science class tomorrow for 4 freaking hours. Goddd, kill me now. So here's to Syira + Shahid, happy one month anniversary :D
Posted by Bloody Drama Queens at 8:20 AM 1 comments